Nuclear Power & Climate Change

"Nuclear power is needed to combat climate change", say the nuclear industry, and other advocates of nuclear power. However, nuclear power is not as low-carbon as the industry claims, and is not the answer to climate change.

This page provides a range of information on nuclear power and climate change.


Letter about nuclear subsidies and Energy Bill

Delivered to Ed Davey, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change; George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer; Danny Alexander, Chief Secretary to the Treasury; David Cameron, Prime Minister; and Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister:


Kick Nuclear

UK anti-nuclear groups slam Hitachi acquisition of Horizon, call for boycott

UK anti-nuclear groups slam Hitachi acquisition of Horizon, call for boycott


Joint media release from Kick Nuclear and Japanese Against Nuclear (UK)


October 31, 2012 – for immediate release

Busting the carbon and cost myths of Germany's nuclear exit

Damian Carrington, Berlin - Wednesday 23 May 2012 08.15 BST

Critics of the atomic phase-out said energy emissions, costs and imports would all rise. They were wrong.

With the UK taking another step towards supporting new nuclear power on Tuesday – at either no extra cost to the consumer if you believe ministers, or substantial cost if you believe most others – it's worth taking a look at what actually happens when you phase out nuclear power in a large, industrial nation.

Nuclear risk and climate change connection analyzed in new World Future Council report

Groundbreaking research examines convergence of nuclear and climate threats and its implications for global security

Hamburg, Germany, 17th of May: The World Future Council (WFC) released its latest report today, entitled Climate Change, Nuclear Risks and Nuclear Disarmament: From Security Threats to Sustainable Peace. It is the outcome of groundbreaking research by a member of the WFC Peace and Disarmament Working Group, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Scheffran of the University of Hamburg.

Don't nuke the climate

Nuclear power is not the answer to climate change

Building New Reactors Damages Attempts to Tackle Climate Change

No 2 Nuclear Power briefing, June 2009

Jurgen Trittin – Former German Federal Minister for the Environment – describes calls for more nuclear power to tackle the problem of climate change as “fighting one risk with an even bigger one”. And Environment Ministers from Ireland, Norway, Iceland and Austria agree saying the current debate about the use of nuclear energy as a solution to climate change is downplaying the environmental, waste, proliferation, nuclear liability and safety issues.

Valuing the greenhouse gas emissions from nuclear power: A critical survey

This article screens 103 lifecycle studies of greenhouse gas-equivalent emissions for nuclear power plants to identify a subset of the most current, original, and transparent studies.

The Role of Nuclear Power in a Low Carbon Economy

Prepared as the SDC's input to the UK Government's 2006 Energy Review, The role of nuclear power in a low carbon economy draws together the most comprehensive evidence base available to find that there is no justification for bringing forward a new nuclear programme at the present time.