
Nuclear Grim Reapers and Liquidators join The Big Six Energy Bash

Credit: K. Tatum / Stop Nuclear Power NetworkCredit: K. Tatum / Stop Nuclear Power Network

Kick Nuclear and friends, dressed up as Nuclear Grim Reapers and Liquidators, joined hundreds of environmental and social justice activists at The Big Six Energy Bash in central London, targeting EDF and the other energy fat cat corporations at the UK Energy Summit.


Risks from nuclear waste transports

'Stop Nuclear Trains through the Olympic Site and Stratford' - Public meeting organised by the Nuclear Trains Action Group, Stratford Advice Arcade, Saturday 18 June 2011

Presentation by Daniel Viesnik, Kick Nuclear

Why are we worried about nuclear waste trains passing through the Olympic site and the local area? This is due to the risk of a terrorist attack or accident.

Terrorist attack

Speech for Nagasaki Day Ceremony in London by Kick Nuclear's Dan Viesnik

Nagasaki Day Ceremony, Battersea Park Peace Pagoda, London
– Tuesday 9th August, 2011

Notes from speech by Dan Viesnik (Kick Nuclear and Trident Ploughshares)

- 66 years since manmade nuclear disasters at Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- 5 months since nuclear disaster at Fukushima, the worst since Chernobyl, 25 years ago

- Russian ambassador to Japan, in Hiroshima for a ceremony to remember the annihilation of the city in 1945, said that while Hiroshima was a disaster caused by humans, the Fukushima nuclear crisis is “a disaster by natural causes.” [1]