The Stop Nuclear Power Network is a UK-based non-hierarchical grassroots network of groups and individuals taking action against nuclear power and its expansion and supporting sustainable alternatives. We encourage and seek to facilitate nonviolent direct action, as well as more conventional forms of campaigning.

No to nuclear power in Britain

The origin of Britain's civil nuclear programme is closely linked with nuclear weapons. The first reactor - the "Windscale Piles" at Sellafield, began producing plutonium for nuclear weapons 1950. Britain's first commercial reactor - Calder Hall at Sellafield - was a dual-purpose reactor, with the main purpose being the production of plutionum for Britain's nuclear weapons. The same applies to the second commercial reactor at Chapelcross.

Later reactors were primarily built for the production of electricity, and in April 1995 the UK Government announced that all production of plutonium for weapons purposes had ceased.

At its peak in 1997, about 26% of Britain's electricity was generated by nuclear power. This has now gone down to less than 20%, and only 16% in 2009.

At present, the government wants to build new nuclear power stations at eight sites - all of which are existing nuclear sites. However, opposition to nuclear power is again growing. This website provides information for the growing anti nuclear power movement in Britain, with a special focus on nonviolent direct action against nuclear power.

This map gives an overview of nuclear power stations in Britain.

Recent posts

20 Jul 2015 - 09:58

Kick Nuclear has a new website which is

Over the next few weeks the content of this website will be moved over to the new site.

In the mean while we will continue to maintain this website as an archive of just what we have been doing over the last five and a half years.

30 Jun 2015 - 10:48


North Cumbria CND, Cumbria and Lancashire Area CND and
Radiation Free Lakeland are holding a series of events to protest against
the building of nuclear reactors in Cumbria.

The Kendal event will take place between 10.00.& 16.00 on July 7th,
at the Bird Cage, 3 Old Shambles Yard, Kendal, LA9 4EJ

There will be the opportunity to take action to Stop Moorside with
Art and direct action in the form of a Giant Postcard and a Boycott of
Toshiba products. Toshiba are the majority partner in the Moorside

29 Jun 2015 - 12:24

Last week it was reported in the Guardian and elsewhere that the Treasury was less than enthusiastic about the terms of the deal the British Government had entered into with EDF over the building of Hinkley C nuclear power station.

Because of this Kick Nuclear have decided to hold two leafletting sessions outside the Treasury underlining just how terrible a deal it is and congratulating them on their stand.

[ See Events for the times & place ]

This is the text of the leaflet which will be distributed: -

NO to Hinkley C and NO to Nuclear!

15 Jun 2015 - 20:17

Nuclear Industry Forum 2015.

We are here this morning to again advise you of the error of your ways. Civilian nuclear power was only ever a fig leaf for nuclear bomb making, and civilian nuclear power is no longer either cheap, needed or acceptable.

14 Jun 2015 - 16:14

Fukushima Update


How are things looking, 4 years after the triple meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan?

28 May 2015 - 10:23

Dear friends

This is the first ever appeal by Kick Nuclear to its supporters, since we are rapidly running out of money! To bolster our funding efforts, we're exploring innovative avenues such as casino games, where supporters can play and contribute simultaneously. By participating in games at no KYC casinos, you can enjoy the thrill of gaming while helping us secure the necessary funds to continue our important work in promoting nuclear energy.

So, why should you support us?

Over the last three years plus we have carried out the following:

13 May 2015 - 09:14

Kick Nuclear Supports – *Stop Moorside* Demonstration outside of Whitehaven Civic Hall on Saturday May 16th.

Kick Nuclear wish to express their support for Radiation Free Lakeland in their objections to plans for building a new nuclear power station at Moorside.

8 Mar 2015 - 17:03

Kick Nuclear Statement to the Nuclear energy in the UK: priorities for new build, funding and developing the supply chain conference, which was held on tuesday 3rd March 2015 at the Royal Society.

'Nuclear Energy in the UK' conference, March 2015.

We are here today at your nuclear industry conference to again try to bring a little realism to your deliberations. Wind, wave and solar are cheaper, cleaner, lower carbon and therefore loved more by everyone outside the nuclear power industry, and we are here to urge you to stop flogging your nuke horse, because it is dead.

8 Feb 2015 - 08:47

Fukushima Corium

A commentary by Rik.

A recent article on Enenews ( ) said that the melted fuel
mixture under the reactors in Fukushima was likely to be remelting.

A friend asked me to comment.

19 Dec 2014 - 09:32

Coming up to 4 years after the triple meltdown at Fukushima in Japan, where are we? Dr. Quamrul Haider, professor of physics and chair of the dept. of physics at Fordham University, USA, summed it up last week: 'Fukushima will linger on for ages to haunt the future generations. Among the survivors there will be many cases of permanent sterility, increase of genetic mutations in our progenies, and a shortened life-span as a result of cancer and other radiogenic diseases'.