Statement to TEPCO - October 31st 2014
31 October 2014
Statement to :
Mr Fumio Sudo, Chairman of Tokyo Electric Power Company
Mr Naomi Hirose, President of Tokyo Electric Power Company
We stand here today in solidarity with the people of Fukushima and Japan to demand a nuclear-free society.
Fukushima is not over. The tragedy has been continuing still. Radiation has entered the environment, eco-system and food chain. Millions of children are living in contaminated areas while others have been forced to flee from their homes. Signs of radiation-related health damage, such as the marked increase in child thyroid cancer, have begun to emerge. Tens of thousands of people have been displaced. Countless families, communities and businesses have been ruined. The ongoing emissions from Fukushima will continue to poison Japan, the Pacific and ultimately the entire planet.
The latest polling shows 59% of Japanese people oppose restarting nuclear reactors, including Sendai. The NRA Decision ignores the majority opinion.
The people of Japan, still suffering the ongoing tragedy of Fukushima, understand that the NRA is not protecting the public but only the interests of an industry in crisis.
The plan of the Abe administration and electric utilities to return Japan to nuclear power is in disarray, with no early restart for the Sendai reactors, and ever-increasing challenges for other 46 reactors.
Sendai may make headlines in Japan and elsewhere today as a step toward restarts, but it does not change that for an entire year, as of September 15th, Japan has been nuclear-free.
This is in large part due to the commitment of the people of Japan who have taken to the streets to protest nuclear restarts, have fought and won in courts, have massively reduced energy demand, and rapidly expanded clean, renewable solar PV.
This is impressive leadership from the people which has advanced Japan’s future despite the determination of the Abe government and dirty energy industries to drag Japan backward into the energy dark age.
People have proven their commitment to a clean energy future, and they have shown the world that it is possible. It is happening now.
For the sake of justice, and for the safety of people in Fukushima, Japan and the world, we demand TEPCO implements the following:
1. Abandon nuclear power
It is reckless and despicable that TEPCO is planning to restart its reactors after Fukushima. The disaster has shown us that we cannot control nuclear reaction. Nuclear power, even without accidents, results in permanent and deadly contamination. TEPCO has been forced to release the radioactive cooling water into the Pacific. Fukushima is also depleting the nuclear power workforce as many of the workers reach their lifetime radiation dose limit. How dare TEPCO even think about running reactors again?
2. Stop the cover-up
Tell the people of Japan and the world about the state of Fukushima Daiichi so that appropriate actions can be taken to protect both them and the workers at the plant. Cooperate fully with all external investigations. Stop manipulating the media and other relevant authorities. Although technically controlled by the government and funded by tax payers, TEPCO still behaves as if it were above the law. TEPCO decides what data it discloses to the state investigators and the media. They still maintain that Fukushima has been stabilised and that nuclear power is safe, green and cheap. How dare they?!
3. Take responsibility for Fukushima
TEPCO should be held to account for its negligence that has led to the Fukushima disaster. TEPCO executives have now moved to high positions in other nuclear businesses following the initial crisis at Fukushima. They ignored risks and dangers for many years. TEPCO remains an empire with a near-monopoly of the market. It continues to neutralise opponents to nuclear energy via misinformation, targeted sponsorship and political manipulation. How dare they?!
A nuclear disaster such as Chernobyl and Fukushima results in devastation similar to a nuclear war. Future generations have the right to live in a world free from such nuclear horror. Nuclear power must be stopped now, once and for all.
Remember Fukushima - No to nuclear power
Shigeo Kobayashi on behalf of JAN UK
Reverend Gyoro Nagase on behalf of Nipponzan Myohoji
Martyn Lowe on behalf of Kick Nuclear
Professor Dave Webb, Chairman, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
Dr Kate Hudson, General Secretary, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
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