Nuclear Grim Reapers and Liquidators join The Big Six Energy Bash
Credit: K. Tatum / Stop Nuclear Power Network
Kick Nuclear and friends, dressed up as Nuclear Grim Reapers and Liquidators, joined hundreds of environmental and social justice activists at The Big Six Energy Bash in central London, targeting EDF and the other energy fat cat corporations at the UK Energy Summit.
The action, led by the Climate Justice Collective - - targeted the UK Energy Summit, taking place at the Grange Hotel St Paul's in the City of London, to highlight the role of the major energy companies in creating fuel poverty, exacerbating climate change and suppressing clean, affordable and democratic alternatives to the existing profit-orientated, corporate-controlled energy system.
Kick Nuclear explains its reasons for joining the action:
Nuclear dinosaurs: Exploiting the Poor, Irradiating the Planet
French energy giant EDF Energy wants to build a fleet of new nuclear reactors at several locations throughout England, starting with Hinkley Point in Somerset. With the escalating Fukushima nuclear nightmare in Japan fresh in our minds, we firmly reject dirty, dangerous and false solutions to climate change like nuclear power.
EDF Energy, Centrica (British Gas) and the other energy giants have almost complete control over our energy supplies in the UK. Why should these companies continue raking in the profits at the expense of people and the environment?
Even if companies like EDF Energy could be made to slash their prices and switch to safer and more sustainable, renewable sources of energy, we believe that reform of the energy market would fail to deal with a much deeper problem.
Control over our energy remains in the hands of multi-national corporations who have the politicians over a barrel. This makes it all but impossible for us to take the action necessary to wean ourselves off dirty fossil fuels and nuclear power and switch to community-controlled, low carbon renewable energy production, backed up by energy efficiency.
We need to take back the power from the Big Six energy dinosaurs and follow the example of grassroots movements in countries like Germany, who are beginning the urgent shift that’s needed towards a sustainable, affordable and truly democratic model of energy production that provides for people’s needs without costing the earth.
We want a future, not a disaster!