Australian uranium / waste dump champion in London and Paris this week

From the Beyond Nuclear Initiative project in Australia:

I am writing to seek support for Aboriginal communities opposing the imposition of a federal radioactive waste dump on their traditional country.

Australian Resources and Energy Minister Martin Ferguson will be in London this week (12-14 Oct) to attend a Ministerial meeting of the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum, ahead of attending an International Energy Agency Ministerial later this week in Paris.

Minister Ferguson is aggressively pro-nuclear and is fast tracking uranium projects across the country. He is a champion of coal, a climate change sceptic and deeply dismissive of the promise of renewable energy.

He also has carriage of radioactive waste management in Australia and is currently pushing ahead with controversial plans to impose a federal radioactive waste dump on Aboriginal land in the NT – an issue of growing concern here.

This issue would benefit greatly from some coverage and profile as Ferguson’s approach of denying the issue any oxygen has been disturbingly successful in removing it from the national media radar. However he is also very exposed on this issue: his approach is out of step with Federal Labor’s 2007 federal election promises, community mood and international best practise.

For more info, contact Natalie Wasley, Beyond Nuclear Initiative Uranium Project
natwasley [at]