Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

Bridgwater marchers call for an end to nuclear power

Photographs of the anti-nuclear march and rally against EDF Energy's plan to build two new mega-reactors at Hinkley Point power station can be found at: This link will also provide photos of the Stop New Nuclear camp and images of the blockade from Monday afternoon.

More than 150 people marched through Bridgwater today to protest against EDF Energy’s plan for two new mega-reactors at Somerset’s Hinkley Point nuclear power station.

Nuclear power station to become target for mass blockade

People from all over the UK are set to descend on Hinkley Point nuclear power station to protest again EDF Energy’s plans to build two new mega-reactors next to the existing site.

More than 100 people have already pledged to join a symbolic mass blockade at the entrance to Hinkley Point in Somerset next Monday, October 3rd. On Saturday 1st October, anti-nuclear protesters will also join local residents in a march and rally close to EDF Energy’s regional HQ in nearby Bridgwater.

Stop New Nuclear newsletter no 1, July 2011

Dear all,

Welcome to Stop New Nuclear's first newsletter. You receive this newsletter because you have signed one of the pledges, or you signed up to the newsletter. Thank you for this.

We plan to send a newsletter to all pledgers and newsletter subscribers about once a month, and possibly more frequently in the weeks before the blockade. Feel free to share and distribute this newsletter.

Mass blockade of Hinkley nuclear power station announced

With Italy being the latest European country to reject nuclear power, a coalition of anti-nuclear groups in Britain has announced plans to hold a mass non-violent blockade of Hinkley Point nuclear power station on 3rd October. The plant, near Bridgwater in Somerset, is expected to be the site of the first new nuclear power station, if current plans go ahead.

Stop New Nuclear. Stop the next generation of nuclear power stations with a blockade at Hinkley Point Join us at Hinkley on 3 October 2011

Hinkley Point is the first of eight proposed sites for nuclear new build to go ahead. We stopped them here before, and we can do it again. If they fail at Hinkley, it is unlikely the “nuclear renaissance” will have the momentum to continue.

The action:
A non-violent blockade of Hinkley Point nuclear power station in Somerset

On 3 October 2011 we will – with hundreds of people – non-violently blockade the access to Hinkley Point nuclear power station for one day.

Stop the next generation of nuclear power stations with a blockade at Hinkley Point Join us at Hinkley on 3 October 2011

Hinkley Point is the first of eight proposed sites for nuclear new build to go ahead. We stopped them here before, and we can do it again. If they fail at Hinkley, it is unlikely the “nuclear renaissance” will have the momentum to continue.

Event Date and Time: 
Mon, 03/10/2011 - 7:00am - 5:00pm

London remembers Chernobyl 25 years on

26 April 2011 - CND and Medact staged a vigil and parliamentary meeting at Portcullis House in Westminster to mark the 25th anniversary of Chernobyl, the world's worst ever civil nuclear disaster.

UK anti-nuclear campaigners set for weekend of seaside action

Campaigners from the national Stop Nuclear Power Network are planning a packed programme of activities at Sizewell over the Easter weekend (22-25 April). (1).

The annual beach camp beside the nuclear power station in Suffolk, England, now into its third year, will have added significance this year due to the unfolding disaster at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Japan, and because it marks 25 years since the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in the Ukraine. (2)

Vigil for Fukushima - say no to nuclear power

2-3pm, Sunday 20th March
Whitehall, opposite Downing Street

As the world watches in horror at the events unfolding at Fukushima in Japan, please join us in expressing our sympathy with those who may now be affected and call on the government to abandon plans for new nuclear power stations in the UK.

Say no to nuclear power - not worth the risk.

Organised by CND and supported by Friends of the Earth, the Green Party, Scientists for Global Responsibility, Kick Nuclear and Counterfire.

Event Date and Time: 
Sun, 20/03/2011 - 2:00pm - 3:00pm

“Nuclear Power; to build or not to build?”

A public debate will be held in Norwich on Tuesday, 26 April, to mark the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl catastrophe:

“Nuclear Power; to build or not to build?”

Venue: The Friends Meeting House, Upper Goat Lane, Norwich
Doors open: 7 pm. for 7.30 pm start. Refreshments afterwards.

Event Date and Time: 
Tue, 26/04/2011 - 8:00pm - 10:00pm